Saturday, December 28, 2019

The History of American Education - 1844 Words

Schools have changed remarkably since they were first introduced centuries ago. Continue reading in order to find out how the past has shaped education, as we know it. There are six main eras or time periods in which important things occurred for the American School System, The colonial era, The growth of public schooling, The progressive era, the segregation and Integration era, the 1960s-1970s, and the 1980- present era. The first era was the colonial era, because the first schools were started in the 13 colonies. When schools were first started, they were only intended for males and had very limited facilities for women. Schools used to contain one teacher in each classroom, and things were taught differently than they are now, and†¦show more content†¦It was a way of passing knowledge from one mind to the next. A man named Horance Mann created a coalition of professional teachers in 1837. This group of teachers was modeled after the Prussian idea of â€Å"common schooling†, or the notion that all of populace deserved the availability and value of education, no matter level of proficiency or skin color. Age grading was an idea that Mann had inquired during his time in Prussia. This idea was originally put into effect in Massachusetts during 1848. Age grading was the design of appointing students by age and placing them into different grades. The students progressed as time went on, d espite what the student’s aptitude may be, with the lecture form of many European universities, in which students were viewed as submissive receivers of instruction apposed as involved and enthusiastic contributors in instructing one another. Formerly, students were sectioned into single groups, with ages varying from the young age of 6 to the adolescence of 14. On the occasion that a student were to terminate a course, they were deemed graduated from that course, and stepped forward onto the next level of difficulty. During the age of reconstruction, the freedman’s bureau launched the opening of up to 1000 schools for African American children presiding in the south. An assortment of north- sponsored colleges made for AfricanShow MoreRelatedBlack History Of American Education2125 Words   |  9 Pages â€Å"The history of American education abounds with themes that represent the inextricable ties between citizenship in a democratic society and popular education.†(Anderson) As a result of their skin color, blacks had always been discriminated against in US society. As a result, blacks had become jaded to the harshness of inequality and could not find a plausible way to gain equal footing because they were taught that they were lesser beings than whites. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi - 903 Words

In The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, the genre choice of the graphic novel vividly portrays the life-experience that Satrapi herself gone through as a youth growing up in Iran back in the 1980s. Satrapi utilizes a unique drawing style to emphasize the influence that the Islamic Republic has brought to her. The recurring action of teachers implanting Islamic values in children throughout Marjane’s education in Iran is demonstrated through a set of related images, which implicitly reflect on the destruction of childhood that is caused by a totalitarian regime. For instance, the teachers force the girls to wear veils on page1 and tells the parents that â€Å"either [girls] obey the law, or [they are] expelled† (Satrapi, 98) later on. Also, the background of these images takes place where Iran is involved in both revolution and war; it contributes to children’ miserable situation even more. Images are satirical as they connote how the school, under the infl uence of a fundamentalist society, damaging the children by treating them strictly and condemning them to accomplish what the society think is right. Among the recurring images, a metaphorical image that stood out symbolically is displayed on page 95, in which the teacher mobilizes Marjane and her classmates to beat their hearts to mourn death of young soldiers. The full-page panel exhibits an oppressive atmosphere with its heavy shading, which employs a pessimistically impression with Marjane’s childhoodShow MoreRelatedThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi Essay2019 Words   |  9 Pageslargely affected the views of Iranians by other nations. The graphic novel, The Complete Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi (Satrapi, 2003), conveys many of these events and changes through the eyes of a child growing up in the 1980s in Iran. Satrapi’s main purpose for this book is to describe how the Iranian government was corrupt, causing foreign nations to have a tainted v iew of all Iranian citizens. The Complete Persepolis does so by presenting major events and changes in a manner that is directedRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi2268 Words   |  10 Pages Review of Literature While I will pull from other sources, the main focus of this paper will be The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. Throughout this graphic novel, Satrapi tells her life story and what it was like growing up in Iran. In the opening illustrations, she describes her childhood and her transition from a secular school to one that was religious and separated by gender. At this time it had become law for a woman to wear the veil, or head scarf when in public. Iran transitionedRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi1552 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi the idea of inequality is introduced through several examples. Marjane Satrapi uses the title to comment on inequality in all aspects of Marjane’s life, including gender, religious, economic, and racial status. Although there are several forms of inequality that the title attempts to highlight within the story, it focuses primarily on the issues of gender inequality by compa ring the issues that Marjane faces due to her gender and comparing itRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi1017 Words   |  5 PagesThis pepper identifies and analyses some of the highlights found in the culture narrative of a visual comic memoir titled â€Å"The Complete Persepolis† by Marjane Satrapi, and a culture storyline, â€Å"Code White† by Debra Anderson. Starting with â€Å"The Complete Persepolis† the book is about Satrapi’s experience as she transitions from a young woman into adulthood in Rasht, Iran and Vienna, Australia during and after the Islamic and culture revolution between the periods of 1979-1995. The first publishedRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi1185 Words   |  5 PagesThere are certain countries that are ran through dictatorship, they abuse the power they have to the country. In the story, The Complete Persepolis written by Marjane Satrapi, she changes the view towards Iran through occurrences and eastern fundamentalist ideas. In 1979, there was the Islamic revolution in Iran. This year was the year that was going to have many changes to the country. In chapter one of the Veil, there are characters and their freedom of expression being repressed as well as theRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi944 Words   |  4 Pages The Complete Persepolis, written by Marjane Satrapi is a graphic novel that illustrates the authors unforgettable and very rough childhood while growing up in Tehran, Iran during the Islamic Revolution. The book was basically set up with events as the chapters. For example, the chapter â€Å"The Key† describes how plastic keys were handed to the young soldiers as their way to heaven when they died. This is what they were told at least. The book starts when Marji is 10 years old, which isRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi Essay2678 Words   |  11 PagesThe Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi The Veil The reader is introduced to Marjane at 10 in Iran, 1980. She goes to school and wears a veil, just like everyone else. The women in Iran don’t want to wear a veil The new regime in Iran made it mandatory for women to wear a veil. They also segregated the schools between girls and boys Marjane says she wants to be a prophet The school thinks it’s weird that she wants to be a prophet, so they call her parents Even though she wants to be a prophetRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis Marjane Satrapi Analysis1072 Words   |  5 PagesIn her graphic novel â€Å"The Complete Persepolis,† Marjane Satrapi explores different identities and works through troubling hardships as she comes closer to who she truly is as an educated Iranian woman. Satrapi expresses the many trials and tribulations she endured while living in and out of Iran during parts of the Islamic Revolution, all whilst trying to find her identity as a child, teenager, and adult. Although she loses herself along the way, she always finds her true identity and self-worthRead MoreMarjane Satrapi s Story Of The Complete Persepolis Essay1022 Words   |  5 Pagesan unfriendly world. This is not a fictitious story. This is an actual event that happened to the author of The Complete Persepolis. Marjane Satrapi, the author of The Complete Persepolis, grew up during the 1979 Revolution. This event changed many people’s lives, e ither it was for the better or worse is hard to say. Nevertheless, it influenced Satrapi s whole life. In the book, Satrapi expresses her childhood memories through her eyes as a child. Her experiences and ancestry can be clearly shownRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi And I Am Nujood1495 Words   |  6 Pagesthe patriotism that the country gives. Having these ideals one can see that some Americans are even question their own culture, and are constantly changing it due to the surge of countercultures and trend setters. From the texts The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi and I Am Nujood by Nujood Ali one can observe how western culture has affected people who are not raised within Iranian and Yemini cultures, and it grants a glimpse into other cultures and their beliefs. Despite the culture shock in

Thursday, December 12, 2019

John Marshall Essay Example For Students

John Marshall Essay John Marshall was born on September 24, 1755 in Prince William County, Virginia. When John was ten, his father decided that they were going to move into a valleyin the Blue Ridge Mountains, almost thirty miles from the house they lived. Johns parents were not well educated but they could read and write. The bookswere very hard to take care of and were very expensive. Marshall had a housebible but other than that they have almost no books to refer to. Johns fatherThomas was good friends with George Washington. Washington had a library and helet John use and was the books were very helpful. The Marshall family haddecided that John would be a lawyer. John went to William and Mary College,where he attended the law lectures of George Wythe. John Marshall joined theCulpeper Minute Men and was chosen as the Lieutenant. Johns grandfather, on hismothers side, had been one of Yorktowns wealthiest men but the war had ruinedhim financially. The family had taken a small tenement apartment next to theheadquarters of Colonel Thomas Marshall who extended his protection. Marshallsprivate law practice continuously grew. He became a well-known attorney but hisdress habits didnt change. Then he hired the best dressed attorney he couldf ind for the customary one hundred dollars. Finally Marshall went to court to ahearing and was so deeply impressed that he pleaded to take the case. The fellowhad paid the lawyer. He only had five dollars left and he took the case. In1797, President John Adams appointed him to an American Mission to France to aidin the trade negotiations. John Marshall returned to the United States to beenthusiastically received by most of the country. Marshall was a part of theMarbury vs. Madison trial, his opinion of the trial was his intellectual and ofmoral force and he foreshadowed the views he would express in later trials. After becoming the First Chief Justice Marshall was asked by the nephew ofGeorge Washington to write the official biography. He was unprepared to writethe biography but he decided to do it anyway. The biography that he wrote tookfour years to write and was five volumes. John Marshall fought in many trialsduring his lifetime, they are: Marbury vs. Madison fought in 1803 McColloch Vs. Maryland fought in 1819 Dartmouth College vs. Woodward fought in 1819 Cohens vs. Virginia fought in 1821 Gibbons vs. Odgen fought in 1831 Cherokee Nation vs. State of Georgia fought in 1831 Three years after the Cherokee Nation vs. Stateof Georgia trial John Marshall died. Now, in his honor, there is a dedicated lawschool, in Chicago, named after him because of his accomplishments. JohnMarshall Law School is where my father attended law school.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Research paper on Marketing Strategy of HSBC Bank Australia Free Solut

Question: What is the marketing plan for HSBC bank Australia, also describe about HSBC, Micro and Macro factors, consumer perception and behavior and marketing mix? Answer: Executive Summary Process of marketing is a critical element of an organisation. Marketing can be defined as an action or business of promoting and selling products or services, based on customer requirements. Marketing also has specific focus on research and advertising. Since the time, industrial revolution started, there has always been need of marketing efforts by the organisations to sell their products to their potential customer. Marketing strategies such as targeting, segmenting and positioning of the product or service is essential for the future success of the product (Baker Hart, 2008). In modern era, marketing has become an important tool for the companies to sell their products. Purpose of this task is to prepare a marketing report on an organisation named as HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation). Through this marketing report, potential strategy for marketing of HSBC Bank, Australia will be analyzed. Does The Intricacy of The Topic Intimidate You? Tame Your Fear with Unmatched Assignment Help Services from Professional Writers. Introduction In Australia, HSBC Bank got its banking license in 1986, even though it was present in Australian market since 1965, as HSBC Finance Company Limited. HSBC Bank Australia is part of the global HSBC Group. Within Australia, HSBC Bank has established itself as one of the leading banks with range of banking services and products in retail, commercial and institutional sectors (Bickhoff et al, 2014, pp.47-110). Within Australia, HSBC functions through its 25 branches as well other direct channels. Compared to its existence in the country, it can be said that growth of HSBC in Australia has been relatively slow, even though HSBC in Australia plans to ramp up its branches to 100 from 25, but it will require a well-planned marketing strategy, with focus on various banking and financial products it can offer to the Australian Market (Armstrong Cunningham, 2012). When a business organisation decides to expand its foot print, it becomes important to do so, after a prior planning of marketing process. Marketing is an important element of the overall business strategy, as it helps the business organisation like HSBC to identify it potential customer base, create specific customer segment, and then launch targeted promotional and advertising campaigns and other efforts to publicize its products and services. It will not be wrong to say that irrespective of the glorious history of an organisation and its presence in the market, if the organisation is not able to innovate, and launch new products and services from time to time, then in a highly competitive environment such organisation might cease to exist. However, even if a company is good in innovation, if it is not able to portray its products and services to its target customer base, then also possibilities are high of a product failure. In order to avoid such situations, marketing strategy is prepared by the organisation (Pealoza et al, 2013). Marketing strategy lays down the road map about the entire process of marketing, which involves various aspects starting from product design, till customer servicing. Hence, purpose of this task is to suggest a marketing strategy for the HSBC Bank in Australia so that it can successfully expand its business by opening new branches, and offering new products and services to the end customer. Segmentation, targeting, and positioning of the market (STP) A market segment can be defined as group of customers who have homogenous set of requirements or needs. Before market segment for HSBC is defined, it is important that market segment should have attributes such as accessibility, measurability, large size and profitability. If these attributes are fulfilled by a segment then it is worth trying from the organisation to create a specific segment (Voorhees et al, 2011, pp.4-14). Currently HSBC is popular for commercial banking in Australia, as more than 75% of its customer base is derived from the commercial customer segment. In retail baking segment HSBC has a long way, before it can catch-up with other banks such as Commonwealth Bank, ANZ Bank, Westpac, National Australia Bank, Bendigo Bank and Suncorp Metway etc. All total there are 56 banks in Australia today, in which 12 are domestic, 9 foreign subsidiary banks and 35 foreign branch banks). In terms of leading banks, there are four major domestic banks which have dominated the retail and commercial banking spectrum in Australia. These four banks among them account for more than 77% of the resident assets as at fourth quarter ending in 2010. In this regard, foreign banks like HSBC along with other similar banks have a market share of 13.4% (Weinstein, 2013). HSBC needs to understand that there are multiple segments which can create, however it needs to identify its core competency and accordingly create a segment. Commercial banking in Australia is already dominated by top four domestic banks mentioned above, which occupy more than 77% of total market share. In this scenario, it will be difficult for HSBC to expand its services in the commercial banking (Hassan Craft, 2012, pp.344-356). However, in retail banking sector, there is plenty of scope. Firstly there is large population of Australia which belongs to age group of 18-35 years. This age group contributes to 30% of the total population of Australia. Hence, this age group can be taken up as a potential segment for the retail customer (Doole Lowe, 2012). This age group basically includes people who are just out of college, and have entered professional life or doing some type of business as an entrepreneur. Even though net-worth of customers from this segment might not be very high, but they are spenders, which means unlike higher age group, people from age group of 18-35 years love spending money on shopping etc. that means there is not only scope for HSBC in terms of saving accounts but also for expanding its credit cards services to these segment of customer (Ferrell Hartline, 2012). Hence, the segment which will be created for this marketing strategy will be for potential customers in the age group of 18 years to 35 years. Based on the customer segment defined above, HSBCs target segment will include people in age group of 18 to 35 years of age. It is important to understand that these potential customers might also be existing customer of any other bank as well. Within the main segment of 18-35 years of age, there can be sub segments as well (Fifield, 2012). For example from 18-25 years of age there can be a sub-segment of customers who have basic requirements such as personal banking services and credit cards, whereas people from 26 to 35 years of age might have requirements related to financial products such as mutual funds, credit cards, personal banks, personal financial services etc. Hence, accordingly HSBC should target these two sub-segment of customers under is main segment. Positioning of HSBC will be an important factor in deciding its success or failure related to its expansion plan. As discussed above, HSBC along with other foreign banks have collective share of 17% of the domestic banking segment, which means HSBC has yet to establish itself has a powerful banking brand. One major reason behind its stalled growth is the brand perception (Lovelock, 2011). Domestic banks in Australia have projected themselves as one of the most reliable and easily accessible banks present in Australia. Local factor also allow these domestic banks as it gives its customer a trust factor which is low for foreign based banks. Hence, HSBC should position itself as a global bank which has established itself in Australia after immense success in other parts of the world. That is why; HSBC should focus on positioning itself as a highly successful bank across the world with tremend ous power of its brand (Terpstra et al, 2012). Customers are today aware of various banks functioning across the world, however HSBC needs to invoke its international exposure and innovative banking products in order to convince its target customers, and position itself as a global yet local bank of Australia. About HSBC As an organisation, HSBC bank has vast array of experience in banking and finances sector. HSBC as an organisation is one of the largest bank at global level with presence in almost every important and commercially active country (Ghosal, 2013, pp.24-37). HSBCs product and services portfolio can be categorized mainly in savings and investments. HSBC has proved itself as a competent financial organisation with range of products in Australia and other parts of world. In context of Australia, HSBC can be categorized as a foreign-owned bank subsidiary. Following are some of the competitors for HSBC in Australia who are also part of HSBCs category of foreign-owned bank subsidiary. Figure 1: Competitors of HSBC Bank In Australia Over a period of time, HSBC has diversified its services from being a complete financial firm which focused mainly on commercial segment towards inclusion of personal banking as well. Today, HSBC not only caters to commercial and institutional customers, but also focuses on the retail and personal banking customers (Chikandiwa et al, 2013, pp.365-381). Hence, it has stock investments related products, personal banking products and various other retail products like credit card etc. Micro and Macro factors impacting HSBC Every business organisation is effected by various macro as well as micro factors. Macro factors are the one which can be either internal or external to the organisational environment. Macro factors are mainly the factors which cannot be controlled by the organisation, and might have impact on the decision making process of the organisation (Turnbull Valla, 2013). These factors include global, economic, demographics, legal/political, social-cultural, and technological changes. In order to analyze the macro factors impacting HSBC Australia, its PEST analysis can be conducted. PEST analysis examines political, economic, social, and technology related factors which might have impact on the organisation. Following is the PEST Analysis for HSBC Australia: Political aspects: HSBC Australia has been following the banking industries code of conduct and other financial regulations laid down by the government of country. It also works closely with Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) which is the central bank of Australia and regulates the banking industry in the country. Hence, since its inception in 1960s as a financial firm, HSBC has always complied with the regulatory guide lines laid down by central authorities. Furthermore, the company also formulates their own protection strategies against any governmental restrictions and limitations (Peck et al, 2013). Economic aspect: HSBC as a foreign bank in Australia has a collective market share of 17% along with other foreign banks. However, HSBC has a strong financial background mainly due to its global backup. Over a period of time HSBC has been mainly successful in commercial banking activities, as part of which HSBC has provided commercial loans in billions of dollars to its commercial customers. Compared to other parts of world, HSBC has been functioning in a stable market conditions, and its stock has also increased gradually over last few years (Chakravarthy Coughlan, 2011, pp.27-32). Social aspect: HSBC as a banking organisation has major impact from social aspect. For example, in 2011-2012 more than 45% of the Australian population saved money in their saving accounts rather than spending the excess money they had. Due to economic volatility, purchasing power of people drop significantly. It has positive as well as negative impact on the bank. Firstly, due to sluggish economy, purchasing power of people have reduced hence, there dependency on products like credit card has increased significantly, which is beneficial for the customer. However slowing economy also impacts the saving pattern of a retail banking customer as well as commercial customer. Commercial customer avoids taking money on loan due to fear of non-payment of the loan. That is why at times it might happen that HSBC might struggle in finding a balance between the two (Boone Kurtz, 2013). Technological aspect: Technology has played major role in boosting the prospect of HSBC in Australia. People are now getting inclined towards use of net banking, e-payment etc. This has been only possible due to rapid change in the technological landscape related to banking industry in Australia (Gilligan Hird, 2012). Consumer perception and behavior about HSBC Consumer perception plays a major role in success or failure of a brand/product/service. That is why it becomes important for an organisation to understand that its marketing strategy should always have focus on identification of consumer behaviour and perception towards the brand, this helps in preparing the marketing strategy (LIU et al, 2014). In case of HSBC, it has setup its business as a foreign bank in Australia. Over a period of time HSBC has moved from being a finance based organisation towards becoming full-fledged banking organisation. However, in terms of perception, there is lot of activity required from HSBCs front to create a more friendly perception about the brand. In a recent concluded survey by Banking Association in Australia, it was revealed that more than 75% of the people surveyed, they will prefer banking with a domestic banks. Factors behind this decisions was related to brand perception, and accessibility of the bank. In case of HSBC, it is perceived by a potential customer that HSBC is more focused on commercial and financial banking aspect. This perception might also be due the fact, that initially in 1960s HSBC started its business in Australia as a finance organisation. Hence, people who can be the potential customer for the retail banking still shy away from HSBC bank as their preferred banker due to this perception (Taleghani et al, 2011, pp.78-86). Another, important customer behaviour is the preference given to the banks which are easily accessible. Even though in age of internet banking, people are preferring banking through internet, however despite of this trend there are vast number of customers who still prefer a bank which is easily accessible. In this regard, domestic banks in Australia have an edge over HSBC. HSBC has only selected branches mainly at commercial locations. On other hands number of branches operated by other domestic banks is far more than HSBC. This is one major reason behind lack of personal banking customers for HSBC, Australia (Pavlou Stewart, 2015). Hence, it is important for HSBC to change this perception. In this regard, HSBC Australia, can first ensure that they should portray their brand as a completely Australian unit rather than portraying as a subsidiary of its global brand. Secondly, HSBC should focus on opening up new branches in commercial as well as few residential areas. That will enable it to capture more of the personal banking customers. Marketing Mix Marketing mix can be defined as the marketing tool which is used for the purpose of marketing by the marketers in an organisation. Marketing is associated with 7Ps. These 7Ps are represented in image below: Figure 2: Marketing Mix For HSBC following will be the marketing mix: Price: Pricing component is a critical factor which decides the future of product or service being offered. In case of HSBC, since it is targeting customer for its personal banking services hence it should focus on offering competitive rate of interest for its saving account. People deposit their money in the bank if they get an attractive interest rate, hence HSBC should try to identify an attractive rate of interest as per the market situation, and offer it to its customers. For its other products like credit card, the grace period of interest period for the purchase done on the credit card should be more than 50 days. Considering the target customer base, this move of pricing will enable HSBC to gain more customers. Place: The place element involves delivering the product element to customers through appropriate methods and delivery channels. In case, of HSBC since it is targeting youth segment hence one important aspect with this segment is that they are technology savvy, due to this reason use of internet, smart phones, laptops etc. is high in this group. Hence, in terms of channel for delivery of its services it should focus extensively on scaling up its online banking portal, and try to include every possible service which it offers through the physical bank branch to the customer. This will also help HSBC in reducing its operational cost on the physical branch. HSBC should also launch its mobile applications through which its customers can access their banking services from their smart phones itself (Pavlou Stewart, 2011, pp. 29-36). Promotion: With a new marketing strategy, it is important for HSBC to focus on innovative ways of promotion. It can use social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook to connect with its potential customer segment. Promotional e-mails, tweets, and informative posts on Facebook should be posted regularly. Promotion should be focused more on engaging customer with the brand. People: From peoples aspect, HSBC should first ensure that it is able to deliver flawless customer service to its end customer. Segment which it is targeting is a volatile segment which doesnt sticks with a brand if the customer service is not good. Secondly, HSBC should hire local people to support its operations. However, recruitment of people should be less and focus should be more on pushing virtual banking. Process: Often it has been seen that many people do not associate themselves with a bank due their cumbersome process. In this regard, HSBC should focus on simplification of its existing processes. For example rather than a customer coming to a bank for opening an account, bank executives should visit customer to collect his detail. Such level of services will make the entire process for the end customer extremely convenient. Product: in terms of product, HSBC should be following a linear strategy, which means that currently it should focus on consolidating its existing product portfolio such as personal banking, credit cards, investment plans etc. within these products it should try to innovate with different schemes such as varying interest rates etc. Physical environment: In terms of physical environment, it can be said that HSBC should ensure that its new branches are located near residential areas and educational institutes. Currently, HSBCs operation is concentrated more in the business regions of Australia. Hence, in order to reach to personal banking customer HSBC should be focused on expanding its branches in different regions. Recommendations Based on the above marketing plan it can be said that, HSBC is yet to achieve major success in Australian banking industry. Currently Australian market is dominated by more than 56 banks, out of which 77% of the total industry share is with top four domestic banks in Australia, this aspect reveals that there is tremendous potential for HSBC Bank to expand its services. However in clutter of several banks and financial institutions. HSBC should focus on providing high level of customer service and secure banking services. In present marketing environment, any organisation which can offer high quality customer service to its end customer is capable of dominating the market. Ultimately, HSBC Bank needs to seamlessly integrate its products, customer services and overall business and pricing strategy in such a way that it should be highly convenient and beneficial for the end customer. References Armelini, G. U. I. L. L. E. R. M. O., Villanueva, J. U. L. I. . N. 2011. Adding social media to the marketing mix. IESE insight, 9, 29-36. Armstrong, G., Cunningham, M. H. 2012. Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. Baker, M. J., Hart, S. J. (Eds.). 2008. The marketing book. Routledge. Bickhoff, N., Hollensen, S., Opresnik, M. 2014. Step 2: Strategic and Operative Marketing PlanningSegmenting, Targeting, Positioning. In The Quintessence of Marketing (pp. 47-110). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Boone, L., Kurtz, D. 2013. Contemporary marketing. Cengage Learning. Chakravarthy, B., Coughlan, S. 2011. Emerging market strategy: innovating both products and delivery systems. Strategy Leadership, 40(1), 27-32. Chikandiwa, S. T., Contogiannis, E., Jembere, E. 2013. The adoption of social media marketing in South African banks. European Business Review, 25(4), 365-381. Doole, I., Lowe, R. 2012. International marketing strategy. Cengage Learning. Ferrell, O. C., Hartline, M. 2012. Marketing Strategy, Text and Cases. Cengage Learning. Fifield, P. 2012. Marketing strategy. Routledge. Ghosal, S. N. 2013. A pragmatic strategy for banks to counter recession is to garner funds and encourage entrepreneurship focus on reticular activity trend and not be cauldron for politicians and bureaucrats. SAARJ Journal on Banking Insurance Research, 2(5), 24-37. Gilligan, C., Hird, M. 2012. International Marketing (RLE International Business): Strategy and Management (Vol. 17). Routledge. Hassan, S. S., Craft, S. 2012. Examining world market segmentation and brand positioning strategies. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(5), 344-356. LIU, M., LIU, T., ZHANG, T. J. 2014. A Comparative Study of the Differential Marketing Strategies of Four State-Owned Commercial Banks. In Finance Forum (Vol. 6, p. 005). Lovelock, C. 2011. Services Marketing, 7/e. Pearson Education India. Pavlou, P. A., Stewart, D. W. 2015. Interactive Advertising: A New Conceptual Framework Towards Integrating Elements of the Marketing Mix. In New Meanings for Marketing in a New Millennium (pp. 218-222). Springer International Publishing. Peck, H., Christopher, M., Clark, M., Payne, A. 2013. Relationship Marketing. Routledge. Pealoza, L., Toulouse, N., Visconti, L. M. (Eds.). 2013. Marketing management: A cultural perspective. Routledge. Taleghani, M., Biabani, S., Gilaninia, S., Rahbarinia, S. A., Mousavian, S. J. 2011. The Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Marketing Benefits. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 1(3), 78-86. Terpstra, V., Foley, J., Sarathy, R. 2012). International marketing. Naper Press. Turnbull, P. W., Valla, J. P. (Eds.). 2013. Strategies for international industrial marketing. Routledge. Voorhees, C., McCall, M., Calantone, R. 2011. A new look at the benefits of improving segmentation efforts with reward programs. Cornell Hospitality Reports, 11(11), 4-14. Weinstein, A. 2013. Handbook of market segmentation: Strategic targeting for business and technology firms. Routledge.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Using the Spanish Verb Seguir

Using the Spanish Verb Seguir The verb seguir carries with it the idea of to continue or to follow, but it can be used in a variety of ways that have other translations to English. Using Seguir by Itself Standing alone, seguir typically means to go on or to continue: A 20 bajo cero la vida sigue. (At 20 below life goes on.) ¡Sigue!  ¡Puedes hacerlo! (Keep it up! You can do it!)Estaba sana fisicamente, pero la depresià ³n seguà ­ y seguà ­a. (She was physically healthy, but the depression dragged on and on.) Using Seguir With Gerunds Seguir is most commonly used to precede the gerund, where it functions as a type of auxiliary verb meaning to continue or to keep on. In this way it is forms a type of progressive tense: Tengo un crà ©dito por minivan usada y no la puedo seguir pagando. (I have a loan for a used minivan and I cant continue paying for it.)Siguià ³ corriendo a pesar del dolor. (He kept on running despite the pain.)Cuando tenga la oportunidad, seguirà © estudiando inglà ©s. (When I have the opportunity, I will continue studying English.)Siga aprendiendo. (Keep on learning.)La cantante chilena sigue rompiendo sus propios rà ©cords. (The Chilean singer keeps on breaking her own records.)Seguà ­a pensando en el tiempo perdido en pensar en el tiempo que pierdo. (She kept on thinking about the time lost thinking about the time lost.) Such sentences frequently carry the connotation of to still be (verb ing): El actor sigue buscando la felicidad. (The actor is still looking for happiness.)Sà ­, sigue nevando afuera. (Yes, its still snowing outside.)Sigo tratando de fotografiar a mi gato, pero no me deja. (Im still trying to take a picture of my cat, but hes not letting me.) Following Seguir With an Adjective When seguir is followed by an adjective, the meaning of to still be (adjective) also is common: Cynthia sigue feliz con su esposo. (Cynthia is still happy with her husband.(Si la situacià ³n sigue difà ­cil durante tres o cuatro meses, algunas operaciones se cancelarn. (If the situation is still difficult for three or four months, some operations will be canceled.)Ella se siente feliz, pero sigue asustada. (She feels happy, but shes still afraid.)Hoy amanecà ­ un poco mejor, pero de todas maneras sigo triste. (Today I got up a little bit better, but in any case Im still sad.) Prepositional Phrases Using Seguir Similarly, seguir en commonly means to still be in: El piloto espaà ±ol sigue en coma. (The Spanish pilot is still in a coma.)Mucha gente sigue en vacaciones y llegan hasta las clases de maà ±ana. (Many people are still on vacation and will arrive in classes tomorrow.)Seguirà © en contacto contigo, te lo prometo. (I promise you, Ill still be in touch with you.) Seguir sin often means to still be without. An infinitive often follows, making a sentence construction quite unlike what is used to say the same thing in English: Un tercio de la capital sigue sin electricidad. (A third of the capital is still without electricity.)Seguimos sin reconocer los culpables de la crisis. (We still dont recognize who is responsible for the crisis.)Siguen sin pagarme. (They still arent paying me.)Siguieron sin hacer nada productivo. (They still hadnt done anything productive).Hay algunas cosas de mi madre que sigo sin entender. (There are some things about my mother that I still dont understand.) Using Seguir With a Direct Object One common meaning of seguir is to follow, either literally or figuratively, especially when seguir is used with a direct object: A mi casa me siguià ³ un perrito. (A puppy followed me home.)No me sigas, no tengo la menor idea de lo que hago. (Dont follow me, I dont have the least idea what Im doing.)Sigue las instrucciones que te vamos a dar. (Follow the instructions that we are going to give you.)Hay nivel para principiantes de Guitar Hero donde sà ³lo se necesita seguir el ritmo. (There is a level for Guitar Hero beginners where all you have to do is follow the rhythm.) Conjugating Seguir Note that seguir is conjugated irregularly. Unlike many irregular verbs, which change in their endings, seguir usually changes in the stem when it breaks the pattern. For example, its gerund is siguiendo, not the seguiendo you might expect. Seguir is irregular in all of its subjunctive form as well as present and preterite indicative. The forms for the present indicative are: sigo, sigues, sigue, seguimos, seguis, siguen. Irregular forms are in boldface. Key Takeaways In many situations, seguir can be translated as to continue or informally as to keep on.Seguir often carries the connotation that something has been happening for longer than might be expected or desired.Seguir is an irregularly conjugated verb.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

HR Training and Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HR Training and Development - Essay Example Online job portals are the best solution which benefits both the employer and employee in landing on the right job. Today internet is one of the most widely used tools to search and post jobs online. Many companies still choose to advertise the open vacancy in the newspapers but most of the organizations are switching towards online job portals. The positive impact of an online job portal has been emphasized as is it has completely changed the way a job seeker searches for jobs and the way in which companies recruit employees. According to the latest research, there are more than 2000 online job search websites that exist today and it is also evident that job placement through online job portals have a very high ratio in the current time. Online job portals help the companies to advertise their job openings globally and the organization gets the chance to explore global talent for selection whereas job seekers can explore global opportunities and hence it creates a gateway for them t o excel in their career (Richardson 2010). The positions of Human Resource Manager and Human Resource Recruiters on and website perfectly match the criteria of my skills sets. These include the Essential Job responsibilities, requirements and other educational requirements of these posts. There are many online job advertisement portals available over the internet that provides different resources to filter the right candidate. Career building websites provide different questions, articles and links for effective interviewing of the candidate and also online screening and test to chop down to the right candidate. From the job seekers point of view career building websites provide articles and links for effective resume writing and cover letter according to the company’s requirement. Other tools provided by career builders are training resources for candidates that include different training modules in the technical or management field. These resou rces help both the job seeker and the job advertisers to effectively pursue their goals in a short amount of time (Handler 2008). The advantage from the point of view of an organization for online job postings on different job website is the cost factor. The advertisement cost is almost reduced to 90% from the traditional advertising methods. E-Recruitment allows the employees to interact with the candidate in a really short time and the employer can post a job on the website in less the 20 minutes with no limit size. Company’s online job posting can stay live on the website for complete 30 days and the hiring process is 70% faster than traditional hiring. Since the website is viewed globally therefore the audience exposure is wider and the process is easy. Job seekers can have a wider approach towards their career search and they can explore the career resources on the websites for effect resume building and cover letters for the company. Job seekers can view the complete jo b description before applying for a job and they can also filter the job from city to salary range and also according to the technical skills they possess (Handler 2008). Online job posting has become a wide choice by most of the companies to publish their jobs online. It has been observed that many companies now post available vacancies online rather than using traditional media. Hiring the right candidat

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Habitual Offender Laws in Alabama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Habitual Offender Laws in Alabama - Essay Example While Erwin Chemerinsky tries to prove that the three strikes law does not always work and the absurdity of applying it to the Leandro Andrade and other nonviolent offences, Helland and Tabarrok have estimated that it effectively deters as well as incapacitates both soft core and hard core offenders, by reducing crime between 17-20 percent. It is costly since the average offender under three strikes law spends at least 20 years in prison. Even so, it helps prevent at least 31,000 crimes a year by keeping criminals off the streets for longer terms. Introduction The three strikes law is a law that allows State Courts to impose a life sentence with possibility of parole for people who have been convicted of three or more crimes of violent or serious nature. It was popular in the 1990s but has been criticized of late - it does not allow for judges to look at the circumstances of the case and let the punishment fit the crime. Discussion It seems that three strikes law is another form of m andatory sentencing, and those guidelines were thrown out of the window by the Supreme Court in 2005 (MSNBC News Website, 2005). Writing against the habitual offenders law in California, Harvard graduate and Constitutional Law expert Erwin Chemerinsky’s article entitled ‘Is California’s Three Strikes Mandatory Sentencing Law Cruel and Unusual Punishment?’ argues against the Three Strikes Law in the light of three or four cases. Leandro Andrade was sentenced to 50 years or two consecutive terms of 25 years each because of stealing kids’ videotapes on two separate occasions- the total value of which was $153. Because he had two prior convictions, the judge decided to slap a felony on him- instead of a misdemeanor that carried a much lesser sentence. The main impetus for change has come from FAMM or Families Against Mandatory Sentencing, which states that these laws are unrelenting and pass sentence just on the basis of the weight and type of drug an o ffender possesses (FAMM, 2012) The Law has clearly established that grossly disproportionate punishments are cruel and unusual and violate the Eighth Amendment. In Atkins v. Virginia (2002) the Court had ruled that the Eighth Amendment succinctly prohibits excessive sanctions. What is to be looked at is (1) the gravity of the offence and the harshness of the penalty; (2) sentences imposed on other criminals in the same area and (3) sentences imposed on criminals for the same crime committed in other areas. In Coker v. Georgia (1977) it was ruled that the sentence of death prescribed for rape was grossly disproportionate and excessive in terms of the Eighth Amendment. Similarly in Solem it was argued that to convict a man to life imprisonment for passing a bad check for $100 and six prior lighter and nonviolent offences was unconstitutional and excessive. Both the Helm and Andrade cases were non-violent offences and involved amounts less than $400, which separates grand theft from pe tty theft. By looking at prior records, the three strikes law is punishing a criminal for prior offences for which he has already served time. It could be upheld if reasonable men supported the decision, but no reasonable man will. Writing in support of the three strikes law in Does Three Strikes Deter? Eric Helland and Alex Tabarrok (2007) state that this law was enacted in California in March 1994.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Career development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Career development - Essay Example 32). One aspect of substantive importance in the study of career development is that it differs depending on whether it is an individual involved or an organization. For individuals, career development involves a broader array of activities involving decision-making processes and planning, whereas, for organizations, it involves the practice of effectively managing the human resources workforce. However, for the case of this paper, focus is made on an individual basis. Self-efficacy involves making a person make a judgment on the ability to perform certain tasks. Unlike self-esteem that makes reflections on an individual’s worth or value, self-efficacy determines the confidence in an individual towards accomplishing certain tasks and reaching certain goals. A number of perspectives exist in the study of self-efficacy beliefs including the development and the dynamics involved. Ideally, self-efficacy beliefs have effects in all aspects of the human body, because through the determination of a person’s ability and belief towards the accomplishment of certain tasks. In return, self-efficacy affects situations by the use of power. It is substantively clear that self-efficacy beliefs have the necessary power that an individual requires to perform a certain task as well as make an informed decision in regard to a particular task. In life, tasks usually involve the numerous challenges faced, and as such, self-efficacy beliefs determine the ability to tackle the different life challenges by making the most appropriate and informed decisions. Four major theoretical approaches exist from which the study of self-efficacy beliefs emanates, especially in career development. Such include the social cognitive theory, social learning theory, self-concept theory, and attribution theory. Social cognitive theory makes emphasis on the development of an individual’s personality through observational learning and experiences from the

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Nitration Of Methyl Benzoate Biology Essay

The Nitration Of Methyl Benzoate Biology Essay Methyl Benzoate is electron rich and thus undergoes electrophilic aromatic substitution. Nitration of methyl benzoate will form a major product, methyl m-nitrobenzoate that was further purified by re-crystallization. The electrophile or the nitronium ion attached to the meta position in the benzene ring because of the carboxyl group being meta-deactivator that made the reaction took place in the meta position and the ortho and para positions are destabilized. The mass of re-crystallized methyl m-nitrobenzoate was determined to be 0.257 g compared to the mass of methyl benzoate, 0.360 g that resulted to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ % yield. The melting point of the methyl m-nitrobenzoate resulted to 74 °C compared to its true melting point 78 °C was computed to have 5.13% difference. Many side-products like different orientations in the benzene ring will be formed during chemical reactions. To see how much were formed and how pure was the product was, its TLC Profile was calculated that resulte d into Rf = 0.79 wherein the result from iodine vapor indicating that the product synthesized was pure. The results of the experiment are therefore accurate and useful in familiarizing with reactions and mechanisms that occur during nitration. __________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION Aromatic hydrocarbons are compounds with one or more benzene rings (3). Due to electron delocalization by its alternating double bonds, it is characterized by being more stable compared to alkenes (2). Benzene, being aromatic, is a cyclic compound, an unsaturated compound due the presence of pi bonds. In contrast to the double bonds causing the unsaturation of benzene, it is strong and unreactive because of its resonance structure where there is rearrangement of electron pair. They undergo EAS or Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution reaction due to the fact that they are electron rich. The nitration of methyl benzoate, C6H8O2, undergoes such type of reaction with concentrated nitric acid and sulfuric acid to yield methyl m-nitrobenzoate. From the methyl benzoate, methyl m-nitrobenzoate will be formed and will undergo purification by re-crystallizing with methanol. Thin Layer Chromatography profile and melting point of the product were used in the experiment to make sure that there are no by-products formed like compounds with o- and p- orientation (2). MATERIALS AND METHODS The mass of conical flask was determined and added with 20 drops of methyl benzoate. The mass was also determined as well as the mass of methyl benzoate itself. The methyl benzoate in the flask was placed in an ice bath while added by 2 ml of conc. H2SO4 while swirling. Then, the nitrating agent was prepared which is a mixture of 1 ml conc. HNO3 and 1 ml conc. H2SO4 chilled in an ice bath. The nitrating agent was then added to the methyl benzoate solution using a Pasteur pipet. The mixture was constantly stirred and still chilled in an ice bath. However, conc. H2SO4 must be added if cloudiness occurs to change the mixture into its clear appearance. Furthermore, the reaction mixture was added 10 g of crushed ice then stirred. As the ice melted, the solid product formed was separated using vacuum filtration where a filter paper was folded into 1/16 big enough to cover holes in the Buchner funnel. Then, the product was washed with cold distilled water, followed by 5% NaHCO3 and with col d distilled water until the filtrate became neutral. The product was transferred in a watch glass and dried over a steam bath. Methanol was used to recrystallize or solidify the product and the percentage yield was calculated. The melting point of the recrystallized product was determined using the melting point apparatus. The TLC profile was determined using a TLC plate. The TLC plate was drawn with a line using a pencil 1 cm from the bottom and from the top then dipped in a beaker with ethyl acetate. The plate was dipped in ethyl acetate 3 times. When the solvent reached the other edge (the other line), the plate was removed from the beaker. Lastly, Iodine pellets were used to further determine the TLC profile. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Methyl benzoate, C6H8O2, is an aromatic hydrocarbon, a methyl ester with a colorless appearance and used in perfumery. With Methyl benzoate, methyl m-nitrobenzoate will be synthesized and will further be purified by re-crystallization (2) with results shown in Table 1. Table 1. Percentage Yield of methyl m-nitrobenzoate Mass of conical flask 91.749 g Mass of methyl benzoate and conical flask 92.109 g Mass of methyl benzoate 0.360 g Mass of re-crystallized methyl m-nitrobenzoate 0.257 g % yield The mass of methyl benzoate was determined by difference then cooled in an ice bath then added conc. H2SO4. The solution will still be colorless because methyl benzoate is soluble in H2SO4. Thus, it will form a homogenous mixture. On the contrary, it will form a yellow solution if the flask used is contaminated. The nitrating agent prepared in an ice bath because nitration is an exothermic that requires only 15 °C and must not increase (1). HNO3 and H2SO4 should be added in the homogenous solution slowly while stirring to avoid side products formation like compounds with o- and p- orientation. Also, it will result to a low yield of the product desired. Likewise, fast addition will result to getting a high temperature that must be 15 °C only. Addition of H2SO4 if cloudiness will occur is important since methyl benzoate is soluble in sulfuric acid and will produce a colorless solution. The mixture of HNO3 and H2SO4 produces nitronium ion that will attach to the benzene ring (5). Methyl Benzoate is characterized for being electron rich and thus capable of reacting to electrophiles and undergoes EAS or Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution with a mechanism via carbocation [C+] intermediate shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Complete Mechanism of Nitration via Carbocation Intermediate It follows 3 steps that started from the generation of electrophile which is the nitronium ion, NO2. Then, the formation of carbocation intermediate where nitronium ion will be attacked by the nucleophile will follow. The carbocation in the second step is capable of resonating since aromatic compounds are resonance structure wherein the electron pair can move around the molecule. The resonance of the benzene ring makes them stable and favorable to the reaction since the more stabilize the benzene ring is, the more reaction. The last step is the dissociation of H+ and the reformation of aromatic ring where the electrophile will substitute in one of the hydrogens on the benzene ring. This mechanism resulted to an overall reaction shown in Figure 2. Figure 1. Nitration of methyl benzoate The solvent of the nitration which is the sulfuric acid will protonate the reagent, methyl benzoate, which will create stabilized carbocation intermediate. The electrophile or the electron poor nitronium ion, will react to the protonated intermediate in the meta position. The carboxyl group belongs to the e- withdrawing group that deactivates the aromatic ring. Since electron withdrawing group has a meta orientation and a deactivator, the reaction will take place in the meta position. Likewise, the ortho and para positions are destabilized (5). The major product now is the methyl m-nitrobenzene which has nitro and carboxyl group being both electron withdrawing groups oriented at the meta position. After adding the nitrating agent, the reaction mixture was added 10 g of crushed ice until it solidified and filtrated by vacuum filtration to get a dryer product. It was then washed by cold distilled water and 5% NaHCO to make excess acid neutralize that made the product green-colored. The product was dried over a steam bath and re-crystallized with methanol for purification. By washing the product with methanol, by-products or impurities like substitution on different places on the aromatic ring (ortho and para positions), methyl-2-nitrobenzoate or maybe methy-3-nitrobenzoate formed during the previous reactions should purified to get the preferred product. However, the methanol is preferred cold to control loss of desired product. The re-crystallized methyl m-nitrobenzoate weighed 0.257 and had †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ % yield. The melting point of the re-crystallized methyl m-nitrobenzoate was determined to be 74 °C that is close to its true melting point being 78 °C. The % difference was determined to be 5.13% as shown in Table 2. Table 2. Melting point of re-crystallized methyl m-nitrobenzoate Melting point of re-crystallized methyl m-nitrobenzoate 74 °C True Melting point of methyl m-nitrobenzoate 78 °C % difference 5.13% To see how much products were formed and to check its purity, the TLC profile or Thin Layer Chromatography should be done (6). Each trial as the TLC plate was dipped in the solvent (Ethyl acetate) should have only 1 spot that is equivalent to 1 compound. If 3 spots were formed in the TLC plate on 3 trials when the solvent moves on the top of the plate by capillary action, it simply means that 3 compounds were present in the product. Thus, making it considered as not pure. The spots will be clealy visualized when the plate is placed in an iodine vapor (4) here it sublimes from solid to liquid stain. Also, other compounds are capable of adsorbing iodine and become visible. On the contrary, the re-crystallized m-nitrobenzene formed had been considered as a pure compound as illustrated in Figure 3 and had an Rf value of 0.79. Rf = dspot / dsolvent front Rf = 3.75 cm / 4.6 cmC:Documents and SettingsnicolleMy DocumentsCollege Files2nd Year 2nd SemORGCHEMLABEXPT4 NITRATION OF METHYL BENZOATETLC Plate.jpg Rf = 0.79 dsolvent front = 4.7 cm dspot = 3.7 cm Figure 3. TLC Profile The desired product, methyl m-benzoate, purified by re-crystallization was successfully synthesized from methyl benzoate by avoiding the formation of other side-products. However, if phenyl benzoate was used, it will also follow EAS or Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Animal testing Essay -- Animal Testing

When it comes to animals and their rights, there is a definite line between our needs and our taking advantage of those species that we consider inferior. As long as man has existed he has been carnivorous, and the same holds true for many other species of animals. Animals are a necessity to humans for survival, whether it be for food, clothing, etc. However, the unnecessary torture of animals through testing is not a necessity for human survival. When it comes to the needless torture of animals that we claim to benefit, the animals lives need to be taken into consideration. S. F. Sapontzis gives his theory as to why animals should not be used in testing. To start with, animals are not capable of giving their consent to be used as subjects in an experiment. Secondly, "experiments can only be performed on an individual who is willing, morally speaking. Therefore it is immoral to use animals in experiments" (Sapontzis 209). It would be great if this world where our lives wer e actually governed by morals. The sad truth is that we do not. Until we do, someone is going to have to stand up for the silent majority that is incapable of voicing its opinion. When there is torture and unjust treatment towards humans, people then realize that it is wrong. These people realize that it's wrong when it comes to animals as well. Henry Spira said of the animals used in experiments: "†¦the victims are unable to organize in defense of their own interests" (Spira 194). When it comes to needlessly conducting experiments on animals, no one ever says anything. Humans need to stop thinking about themselves as a superior species to other animals. They have to start thinking about how we can stop the cruelty that they inflict upon animals day after day in experiment after experiment. Tom Regan, a well-known animal rights activist, wrote, "the fundamental wrong is the system that allows us to view animals as our resources, here for us- to be eaten, or surgi cally manipulated, or exploited for sport or money" (Regan 14). Nothing could be more true than this fact; man considers itself such a superior species that all others were put on earth for his convenience. It is this type of thinking that has gotten humans to the place where we are today. What humanity needs to do is get off its high-horse and realize that they are not the king of the jungle and we rea... ...n estimated that between 100 million and 200 million animals die in laboratories around the world each year" (Ryder 77-78). Although it has been proven that a lot of good has come out of animal research and animal testing, this does not make up for all the pain and suffering that these animals go though without being able to consent. The truth still remains that, despite the benefits (when there are benefits), perhaps we need to contemplate the effects that our actions are having on these animals. Work Cited Blum, Debrorah. The Monkey Wars. New York: Oxford. 1994 "Experiments on Animals." Animal Rights and Human Obligations. Eds. Tom Regan and Peter Singer. Englewoods Cilffs: Prentice Hall. 1976 Regan, Tom. The Case for Animal Rights. Los Angels: University of California Press. 1983 Ryder, Richard R. Animal Revolution. Cambridge: Basil Blackwell. 1989 Sapontzis, S. F. Morals, Reason, and Animals. Philidelphia: Temple U P. 1987 "Speciesism in the Laboratory." In Defense of Animals." Ed. Peter Singer. Oxford: Blackwell. 1985 Spira, Henry. "Fighting To Win." In Defense of Animals." Ed. Peter Singer. Oxford: Blackwell. 1985

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

The play â€Å"A Raisin in the Sun† by Lorraine Hansberry has many intriguing characters. As I would see it, the most interesting character is Ruth Younger, in view of her numerous feelings and dazzling identity. She experiences outrageous feelings in the play, for example, happiness, trouble, outrage, push, and so on. In the play, Ruth is extremely independent, kind, and adoring. Ruth has a captivating identity. She is exceptionally adoring towards her family. She will do all in her capacity to enhance the way of life of her family. Ruth endeavors to make the best of things. As successfully depicted in the film using high contrast, the loft needs daylight and the glow a home needs and individuals hunger for. In the midst of her grim life in the confined flat, she coordinates all her vitality toward the joy of her child and spouse. She is baffled since life has not satisfied her desires. Because of her stale position, she is â€Å"known among her people a ‘settled lady'†. She agrees to fulfillment instead of searching out satisfaction. With lease to pay and a family to think about, she has surrendered any considerations of a superior future for herself. Rather, she raises Travis and backings Walter with an end goal to think about their fantasies. She attempts to veil her own discontent in plans to fortify the family soul and urge them to see the positive qualities in the revolting. Her dynamic commitment to deal with the family is customarily misused and negated by Mama. In their real scene, a significant number of Ruth's activities are addressed by Mama including her treatment of Travis. Having her maternal endeavors overridden by Mama wounds Ruth's mind. Subsequently, she frequently feels uprooted. Her activities appear to be futile in light of the fact that she isn't permitted to totally accept the familial job of mother. In her disappointing cycle of benevolent activities to disregard the unforgiving substances Ruth even thinks about a premature birth to shield her family from another troublesome issue. She leaves herself to the choice on the grounds that â€Å"a woman will do anything for her family† regardless of how revolting it might be. At the point when Mama informs the family concerning the house, Ruth gauges the positives and negatives of the decision, decides this is a change for her family, and endeavors to fortify the great characteristics about the move. It likewise helps that she sees the change as something to be thankful for herself as she cheerfully expresses â€Å"this is my time in life†. Actually, it is, yet she is clashed on the grounds that Walter isn't content with the choice which undermines her objective to guarantee her family satisfaction. For her, development and additionally change of any sort is a change, so she grasps the choice in spite of the fact that it is one that achieves another arrangement of issues because of negative race relations. Gratefully, she can enjoy the house and see Walter cheerful as Mama hands over the job of leader of the family to him. The restored certainty of Walter prompts a retouching of his and Ruth's relationship and her job as guardian, spouse, and mother.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Samurais Garden essays

The Samurai's Garden essays "Japan, is like a young woman who thinks too much of herself. She's bound to get herself in trouble"(17). Undying love, devotion and passion are some of the themes you can discover in Gail Tsukiyama's novel, The Samurai's Garden. The coming together of two distinctively different cultures and how the differences caused a great deal of turmoil. This novel contains all sorts of themes but a very common one would definitely be loneliness. All the characters share some type of loneliness in their Throughout the novel Stephen, a young man who is sent away from his family in China due to his disease, Tuberculosis, to live with his grandparents in Japan and be cared for by the servant of the house, Matsu. Stephen says, "I hated to leave my family and friends, even though I hadn't been allowed to see them. I felt lonelier than ever"(4). A few sentences later, he states, "In some ways I can't help thinking my time in Tarumi will be a quiet resembling death." In both quotes, he is showing that he is dreading the journey because he knows that he will be lonely. In the previous quote, Tsukiyama's reference to the word "quiet" is extremely powerful because she relates it to loneliness and death, which is not the first thing most people think of when they hear the word. When Stephen first arrives on of the first things he notices is the loneliness in the village: "This early autumn there didn't seem to be anyone else here, just me, Matsu, and a complete, white silence"(9). At first when Stephen is presented in Matsu's life, Matsu is a little put off and by only speaking to him when it was necessary which also shows that he's also the 'distant type'. As the story moves forward Matsu seems to slowly warm up to Stephen. Seemingly from Stephen's own loneliness and sufferings, that Matsu can relate to which then shows us his compassion, as well as his excitement and determination he brought to ev...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Role of the High Court in Australias system of government

The Role of the High Court in Australias system of government Introduction The Australian High Court is the highest independent judicial arm of the government, which is also a significant feature of Australia’s liberal-democratic governance (Patapan, 2010, p. 167; Banks, 2007, p. 16).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of the High Court in Australia’s system of government specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main functions of this court include interpreting and applying the Australian constitution, solving cases regarding the federal system of governance such as instances where the constitutional validity of the laws is challenged, and officiating appeal cases (Singleton et al., 2009, p.64). However, in the recent past, there have been arguments over the court’s role in the shifting balance of power, which tends to favor the Commonwealth. As a result, there is the need to look into the factors underlying this shift in the balance of power and the rele vant constitutional interpretations since the initial constitution provided for the preservation of the balance of power between the commonwealth and the states (Singleton et al., 2009, p.64). To this end, the essay will look at the role of the high court in interpreting the wording of the Australian constitution by considering the Engineers case (Amalgamated Society of Engineers Vs Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd) of 1920. In addition, this essay aims at illustrating the High Court’s role as a political institution of governance through considering the court’s input in supporting the legislation regarding income tax, which was enacted by the Commonwealth in 1942. Overall, the two cases will serve as examples of the roles played by the high court in interpreting the Australian constitution, and acting as a political institution in the Australian system of governance.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The role of the High Court in interpreting the laws Considering that all the constitutional rights of appeal bestowed upon the Privy Council have been abolished in the recent past, it is certain that the Australian constitution allows the High Court to interpret the laws (Singleton et al., 2009, p.65). This implies that all the constitutional cases including appeals originating from different jurisdictions, which bear a greater political significance to the federal government, are referred to the High Court. Here, it is worth noting that most constitutional cases are based on disagreements involving the balance of power between the federal and the state governments particularly in matters dealing with trade, banking, and arbitrations (Singleton et al., 2009, p. 65; Wiltshire, 2008, p. 31). Thus, the decisions made by the High Court regarding these cases can have far-reaching implications since they form the framework for decisions made by other cou rts several years later. Accordingly, since its inception, the High court’s rulings have been centered on controlling the federal powers, giving wider interpretations of the federal powers, sustaining the role played by the Commonwealth in governance without bias, and as can be noted from the recent developments, the High Court is engaged in providing additional interpretations of the powers held by the federal government (Ward Stewart, 2010, p. 105). However, of particular interest in this respect is the court’s role in the Engineers case whereby it was decided that the federal adjudication powers as provided in section 51(xxxv) of the constitution could also apply in other parts of the country including Western Australia (Singleton et al., 2009, p. 66; Ward Stewart, 2010, p. 115). Additionally, regarding the Engineers case, the High Court is said to have given the Commonwealth the full control over worker’s wages at the national level.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of the High Court in Australia’s system of government specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In so doing, the court can be regarded to as playing the role of reshaping the constitutional interpretations put forward in 1901, and thus, providing a framework upon which the disagreements arising between the Commonwealth and the States can be solved. Here, the court played the role of a constitutional adjudicator considering that despite enlarging the legislative powers of the Commonwealth on one hand, it also confined these powers on the other hand. Further, it is to be noted that the majority of the court was of the idea that the interpretation of the constitution should be based on its original wording, and not on implied prohibitions or implied immunity, which were two major doctrines used by the courts in the early 1900s (Ward Stewart, 2010, p. 119). Therefore, by giving the constitution its nor mal word meaning, the High Court extended the powers of the Commonwealth to cover some aspects, which were initially prohibited by interpreting the laws on the basis of the drafters’ wishful meanings of the constitutional wording. However, it should be noted that this broader interpretation of the laws was not meant to give the federal government an upper hand, but it served to check almost all aspects of governance, and to maintain the balance of power between the federal and state governments (Wiltshire, 2008, p. 35). The role of the High Court as a political institution If we had to examine what the drafters of the Australian constitution had in mind, it is certain that they wanted to develop the US-system of the judiciary, which performs various functions such as the federal judicial review (Banks, 2007, p. 18). Here, the role played by the High Court entails examining the laws made in both the Commonwealth and the State legislatures in order to ensure that they fall with in the provisions of the constitution.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Accordingly, considering that disputes could arise between the federal and state governments such as the one discussed above, there is the paramount need to have a mediator who should be impartial and unconcerned with issues raised by either party in order for justice to be served. This role could not fit any institution apart from the Australian High Court. As a result, the High Court can be regarded to as an arbiter of federalism or an advocate of the Australian constitution (Patapan, 2010, p.168). It then follows that the decisions made by the High Court will have extensive political implications. For instance, during the war-time in 1942, the federal government came up with a legislation meant to control the overall income tax, a move which was challenged in court by the state governments (Singleton et al., 2009, p. 169). In this constitutional conflict, the High Court ruled in favor of the federal government, and thus gave the Commonwealth the authority to implement uniform tax ation at the national level. This implied that the state governments could not impose their own taxes outside those implemented by the Commonwealth. Besides, it is to be noted that the court also gave a broader meaning of section 90, which entails the Excise, and thus limiting the taxation power of the Commonwealth in some aspects. These decisions of the court point to the fact that it plays a political role in that the High Court has the power to look into the actions of both the legislature and the executive in order to determine whether those actions fall within the exact meaning of the constitution. Furthermore, the case shows instances where the High Court can annul some actions of the executive, which may not be based on proper interpretation of the constitution. Moreover, this case is one of many instances where the High Court came in to help solve constitutional conflicts arising from wrong interpretation of the constitution or obscure laws (Ward Stewart, 2010, p. 105). Her e, it is also important to note that the High Court was acting purely within its constitutional mandate, which dictates that such conflicts be treated as legal questions irrespective of the impending political consequences. Overall, the court’s decisions show that the High Court judges understand their role in the political sphere and judicial review (Patapan, 2010, p. 169). References List Banks, R 2007, Hot topics: legal issues in plain language, Legal Information Access Centre, Australia. Patapan, H 2010, High court, (Insert the publisher and the Town for the book you scanned for me). Singleton et al. 2009, High court, (Insert the publisher and the Town for the book that you scanned for me). Ward, T Stewart, R 2010, Politics one (4th ed), Palgrave MacMillan, Australia. Wiltshire, K 2008, ‘Australian federalism: the business perspective’, The University of  New South Wales Law Journal, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 31-45.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Death Penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Death Penalty - Essay Example Despite of the implementation of death penalty for violent crimes, the overall crime rate in the United States of America is still high because of different factors. The reason is not ineffectiveness of the death penalty; rather it is due to the unfair trials of the wealthy people. In some cases, financially strong criminals escape from the death penalty. Moreover, death penalty is only a deterrent to violent crimes, which makes criminals go for low-level crimes and those crimes, which do not come under applicability of the death penalty. Governments of most of the European and American countries, such as, United Kingdom, France, Mexico, and Canada have outlawed the implementation of death penalty as a crime deterrent, whereas in many Asian and African countries along with the United States of America, death penalty is still applied as a crime deterrent. I personally think that death penalty should be a legal punishment because it serves as a deterrent to many violent crimes. In case of youth, I think that there should be reformation instead of death penalty. However, if a criminal commits same crime again after reformation, he/she should be given the death penalty. References McGuigan, B. (2011). What Is the death penalty?. Retrieved from

Friday, November 1, 2019

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Strategic Plan Assignment

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Strategic Plan - Assignment Example The second reason is the indications that the program will seek to improve the resilience and safety of water infrastructure, as well as the communities. The program also provides a guideline that will facilitate transportation of trade commodities on the coastal channels of the nation as well as inland waterways. The plan will also protect, restore and manage aquatic ecosystems that will benefit the entire country (US Army Corps of Engineers, 2014). After an assessment of the likely advantages of the project, I realize that it is suitable for sustainable water resources management in the country. However, there is a need that the public supports the program to ensure that it succeeds. GPRA requires that strategic plans have six components, which U.S. Army Corps of Engineers fully submitted. The first requirement is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should have a comprehensive mission statement. For this case, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has a statement that is to deliver vital engineering for military and public management services. The mission also seeks to provide partnerships in peace and war to energize the American economy and strengthen the security of the country (General Accounting Ofï ¬ ce, 1997). The second requirement by GPRA is that the agency should have long-term objectives and goals for all critical functions of operations. The next item is the organization should provide strategies that will ensure the attainment of the set goals and objectives as well as those that it targets annually. Considerably, the strategic plan of the institution will occur for both long and short-term projects. There are also mechanisms laid down that will ensure tha t the set objectives become a reality. At the same time, there are relationships between the long-term plans and the annual goals. The latter point is in line with GPRA’s fourth requirement of the institution.An analysis of the strategic plan indicates that it adheres to the fifth element of GPRA, which is the identification of critical factors that are external to the agency and may affect attainments of the set plans. In addition, there is the need that all strategic plans have a description of the program evaluations used to revise or establish the strategic plans. Considerably, the program is appropriate because it satisfies all the six fields that GPRA requires and works in accordance with the constitution. For this case, the plan is in line with Paperwork Reduction Act 1995 as well as the Clinger-Cohen Act that aim to increase efficiency. For this case, there is a consideration that the public should support the project because of the provision for the fifth element of the GPRA requirements.   

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What It Means To Be Human Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What It Means To Be Human - Research Paper Example The human being is comprised of a complex amount of systems and characteristics hence can be defined from numerous perspectives. Many philosophers have expressed different view points on the subject matter. This paper will analyze the view points of Willard and Aquinas. Dallas Willard expresses his view points through cultural shifts, classical philosophy and modernity. In the process he investigates and analyzes arguments concerning human nature and derives the conclusion that humans were are solely distinguished by their ability to love and be loved and to serve and be served by others. Thomas Aquinas viewed human nature as a paradox, with the defining trait of dividing between spirit and matter. The paper will compare and contrast the different view points of these philosophers and how they argue and support their view points. Thomas Aquinas perceives the link between consciousness and matter ‘as humanity’s desire for God as an expression for the life of the trinityâ €™ (Beattie, 2012). Humans are the only living species who have the ability to differentiate their existence between spirit and matter. This is a defining characteristic as humans are able to differentiate themselves for other animals. ... perspective provides insight on the subject matter as the ability to value the meaning of life allows humanity to preserve it and create a society which is guided by boundaries which enable the preservation of life. This is a well structured argument as this is present in the human society and has not been defined as a trait in other species. The ability of separation of an inner self the physical being also enables one to act upon the means that cater for ideal conditions in society. Humanity also has the ability to ‘utilize its intellect to transcend its material confines with a unique imagination and freedom’ (Beattie, 2012). The modern philosophical referral to this matter is known as the problem of consciousness. The theory of evolution fails to explain the ability of one species, humans, to develop a conscience. Many philosophers agree with Aquinas’ viewpoint as they accept the ideology that the ability of mankind to question his very being and try to find w ays to study and analyze reason for his existence and that of other species (Rose, 2008). Other species do not have the capacity to question their existence and other life forms around them. Most species are naturally aware of their existence and way to carry out their lives to put them at an advantage in their community. However, the complexity of this analogy is only characteristic to humans. Other species analyze their community for survival whilst humans analyze theirs for advancement and improvement of life. The fact that evolution does not show these traits in other species is Aquinas basis in disregarding this concept in the process of defining human beings. It is also his rightful basis on disregarding the ideologies of fellow philosophers such as Immanuel Kant and Rene Descartes who perceive our

Monday, October 28, 2019

My Production of Act 1 Essay Example for Free

My Production of Act 1 Essay My production of this scene will be performed in the round, with the audience seats rising outwards as if looking in to a pit. The stage itself will have a single light shining brightly from the centre straight up into a gap in the ceiling. The performance will be set in the main hallway of an expansive mansion, with the dim outlines of a staircase in the backgrounds, but the lighting will be very poor apart from the centre stage light. The beginning of the play will begin with complete pitch dark, so as to scare the audience, and to open their minds to all the possible evils in the eye of the imagination. The half-light will semi-illuminate the background and then the flash of the centre stage light will shock them, as the unexplainable phenomenon of thunder that Shakespeare used to show evil in his script, as the people of that time were very apprehensive about thunder and lightning, and believed witches could control the weather, inspiring the fear of power. As the thunder, a corpse will come dropping like only a corpse knows how, through the roof and onto the light, causing semi-darkness once more. As the audience are examining the corpse while trying not to look too closely, the flash of steel from the long, thin dagger straight to its target, will give the audience a presence of true sadism, a torturer who does not know when to stop, a merciless twisted mind. As the blade hits the torso of the stiff, a soft thud will horrify the audience, as to how easily the knife cut through it, right to the hilt. This will serve as a warning as to what they are going to witness, much like the summary of the play before it was performed in Shakespeares day, only simpler. The entrance of the evil coven will be dramatic, although not from a trapdoor, like Shakespeare would have done creating the image of an entry from hell. The assassins, all clad in black tight fitting suits which cover their faces, introducing the image of deception and battle with knives almost all over them, and each having six fingers on their left hand, showing disease and evil, as the people in that day believed left handed people were evil. The assassins will use ropes to descend, and each will be at a different third of the stage facing each of the thirds of the audience, giving them a long and contemptuous look, and stating their unchallenged superiority of them all. As they chant, their voices merging into one, purple smoke will swirl inwards as the gathering of evil. Shakespeare would have just used the witches voices becoming one to show the power of evil being gathered, As now more technology is available than in Shakespeares day, I will use the smoke to add more power behind the words in the eyes if the audience, and to show the effects of evil working instantaneously. The chanting will start off slow, quiet and broken. As they progress, eyes never leaving the audience, they will speed up as the evil draws in, and get louder without physically showing the needed exertion for such a volume, hinting at their supernatural intensity. Then they will exit via the ropes, and the carcass will fell through a trapdoor as if buried right into the underworld. Shakespeare would have the witches digging while they chanted, but these personifications of evil were above mortal toil. Shakespeare would also show the power of the witches by having them vanish from the audience, but the assassins will show their power by not seeming to do anything, but they had to be the ones chanting, right? The audience will be asking themselves and by this see them as immortal, above the three dimensions of this reality. And as the stage fades into darkness the scene will end, beginning and starting in the same place; absolute black, suggesting a cycle of evil, which is suggested at the end of the Polanski film as Malcolm approached the witches subsequent to his coronation. This gives the audience that kings come and go, but the controller of this puppet show, the witches, always remains. Since the technology of Shakespeares day could not support the lighting and special effects of modern day theatre, the dialogue of the characters played an important, if not vital, part in the audiences ability to follow the spread of evil. The double meanings of the words reflect the deviousness of evil, and the point of not speaking in iambic pentameters when consumed by evil, for the example the ravings of the mad Lady Macbeth, made it clear where evil has spread while remaining subtle enough not to ruin the mood of the scenes. The echoes of the witches words also represent where evil has touched the characters. It showed the extent of the witches grip on events, and the speed in which their actions take effect. Also, the soliloquised dialogues, primarily Macbeths, show how far evil has reached into his mind and others, changing the way they think, and how they act as well. Shakespeare has cleverly exploited the English language to represent the evil present.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Politicking Goes High-tech :: essays research papers

Politicking Goes High-Tech This reading dealt with the fact that the major decision makers for people when voting (especially for Senators) are the television spots. The article discussed how today's campaigns are now candidate-centered rather than political party-centered and how they require large sums of money in order to pay for all the advertising, and a team of professional workers rather than a team of volunteers is a necessity. Much of the money goes to commercial advertisements, but another large portion goes to continuous polling and direct mail strategies. The article talked about the need to have the speed and technology to know how the people feel right away. A candidate cannot wait weeks or even days for the results to come back to him or her whether he or she is in the lead. The results are needed within hours. After getting the results from the polls, it is then time to determine what action needs to be taken to aid your campaign (or more often hurt your opponent). The candidate then needs to create new television ads to make himself or herself appeal to the interests of the people or sometimes to counteract the bad things the opponent has to say. This fight between the television ads is often referred to as Spot Wars. While the Spot Wars help out the candidates (or harm the opponents with derogatory remarks), they can cost an enormous amount of money; and after being played on television the opponent will return the attack with one of his or her ads—then, the candidate will have to go back to work all over again creating new ads regarding the new polls—all of which costs more money. A major portion of the money for candidates to use comes from PACs. These PACs make up  ¼ off all contributions to Senate campaigns, while some of the other money comes from fund raisers and cost-per-plate dinners. Before the candidate begins to play the ads on television he/she needs to determine what the campaign focus is going to be. Focus groups are small groups of voters who gather with the candidate to give an idea of perhaps what the people are looking for. Then the candidate has to decide when to run the ads. Determining that can be more difficult: if you have the money it is probably best to start early and hope your opponent runs out of money trying to counteract your ads—"One candidate puts on a message, and the other has to decide how to respond." After you run the ads you have to poll the people, of

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Kellog’s Case Essay

Generally speaking, one can say a premium brand is a brand of excellent quality and value. Futhermore, a premium brand is a brand that has a particular value to a market because of the design, inventiveness and quality that it provides. In addition to this, a successful brand name will encourage loyalty amongst consumers who will be more likely to buy the product on a regular basis. So a brand is considered to be premium only when the customers believe the brand is worth the price one is paying for it. In other words, the vendor is able to charge more for a product even if the competition provides a similar product or service at a lower price. Regarding Kellog‘s, one can say it is a premium brand not only because of its wide range of products and 42% of the market share of the value ot the UK‘s cereal market but also because the consumers are con? dent that they receive a high quality product when they buy a Kellog‘s merchandise Question 2: Describe the difference between an aim and an objective. Before differentiating between an aim and an objective on should ? rst de? ne the speci? c meaning of these two words in the management context. An aim is a goal. It is something a company wants to achieve. Moreover, it helps people to understand the beliefs and principles of that business An objective is a more precise statement of the goal. It is designed to contribute to a speci? c aim. Therfore, it has to be speci? c, measurable and realistic. To make it more clear one can take Kellog‘s as an example. Their aim was was to clarify the importance of a balanced lifestyle to the consumers. To achieve this aim Kellog‘s set several objectives, such as increasing the association between Kellog‘s and sports or even encouring and supporting physical activities. Question 3: Outline the purpose of Kellog‘s work with the ASA. The reason why Kellog‘s chose to work with the Amateur Swimming Association can be deduced when one looks at the aims of Kellog‘s and of the ASA. As explained in question 2 Kellog‘s wants to reinforce the importance of a balanced lifestyle so its consumers understand how a balanced diet and excercise can improve their lives. ASA‘s aim is to give more people, more opportunities to swim for health and fun. Because of the correlation of these two aims of these two companies it makes sense to work together in order to use synergies to achieve their common goals and objectives. Whereas Kellog‘s acts as a sponsor, ASA makes sure the swimmers receive the best possble support and the funds reach the proper institutions and people. Moreover, working with ASA assisted Kellog‘s to get in contact with several other companies and partners, such as Sustrans. Furthermore, Kellog‘s reinforces its brand positioning by working with ASA. Because of its corporate responsibility Kellog‘s is perceived much more positively by its customers which automatically leads to a higher loyalty and a better business reputation, which eventually can lead to higher sales and revenues. Question 4: Using examples to support your dialogue, evaluate how Kellog communicates and discuss how this enables it to position its brand. Kellog‘s uses two ways to communicate. The internal and the external way. In order for a strategy to be adopted successfully, a company‘s internal and external communication has to be correlated. First of all Kellog‘s uses internal communication, which is done within its organisation. The goal of trying to clarify the importance of a balanced lifestyle to the consumers is also done within the company. By dispersing a house magazine to its employees, about the importance of a balanced lifestyle, it also wants to highlights the importance of its goal not only to its customers but also to its staff. Furthermore, the Kellog‘s personnel is provided with a pedometer to encourage its employees to live a healthier lifestyle. To summarize this, Kellog‘s wants its staff to understand its business objectives and also be able to relate to them. Secondly, Kellog‘s uses several external communication methods in order to strengthen its brand positioning. It uses several elements of the marketing-mix to communicate with its customers. First of all, it uses a huge variety of media to reach its consumers, such as the press, radio, television and internet. Moreover, the packaging of Kellogg’s products is also a key element of the marketing mix. Kellogs‘ packaging provides the assurances of quality and nutrition that come with its name and also appeal to the end user, mostly children. One example is the use of the cartoon characters of Jack & Aimee the tries to show the importance of exercise and a balanced lifestyle. So to summarize, one can say Kellog‘s wants to position its brand as a healthy, family-oriented, high quality product that puts an emphasis on a healthy and balanced lifestyle. This is done by communicating the need of physical activity by working with partners that emphasize sports and also by advertising the need of sports through their own channels such as packaging and advertisement.